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Water boom. Tour of water is located in Lippo Cikarang within 1 km from the city center. Water with the nuances of Balinese tourism is quite popular, not only among the citizens of Jakarta, Bogor,Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, but also fromBandung, Yogyakarta and other places. In this place, visitors can enjoy facilities such as swimming pools pool Cheers, two swimming pools flow of ethnic Balinese, children's special pool of stomach and giant snails pirate ship, as well as gliding with the wheel known as the Water Boom. When swimming, visitors can feel the atmosphere comfortable, cool, and quiet for around a swimming pool shaped river is overgrown with various kinds of trees. In addition, in each pool is also equipped with showers and running water from the bamboo shades from Bali statue.
In addition to feeling the freshness of the water pool, visitors can also enjoy a light meal offerings and a variety of soft drinks is directly available at the pool bar Bali of beautiful shades. Here also provided outbound arena, form of recreation that test your nerve and intelligence.