Batu Karas attractions, attractions that this one is a blend of natural shades between the attraction of Pangandaran and Batu Hiu by nature a quiet atmosphere, a friendly sea waves with sloping beaches make visitors feel at home living in this region. Located in the Village Batukaras, District Cijulang with a distance of ± 34 km from Pangandaran.A sloping beach with calm sea water blue nan Beach Restaurant Batukarasmenanti you to quickly swim to enjoy the fresh water.You can enjoy a quiet atmosphere with a gentle breeze to enjoy a meal in a restaurant are available. The view out to the end of the horizon gives you peace and memories of an enjoyable vacation.Travel lodge travel BatukarasKegiatan to do besides swim, among others: boating on the river, camping and surfing.
accommodations are available to you, there are cottage equipped with a playground and houses of worship. Tourist lodge is managed directly by the District Tourism Office Ciamis.Other facilities available include: Hotel, Camping Ground, souvenir stalls, rented a surfboard and swimming ban