Kartini Beach is located 2.5 km to the west of
Jepara Regency Hall. Sightseeing is located in the village Bulu Jepara district and is a natural attractions into tourist's dream. Various supporting facilities such as docks, most aquarium turtles, motels, children's games (carousel, bath balls, boat currents), and others are available for visitors. The atmosphere around the beach is quite cool indeed gives a distinct impression for visitors, so the place is very suitable for family recreation or other leisure events.Regions with an area of 3.5 ha of land is a strategic area, because as sea transportation routes to the national marine park attractions
Karimunjawa and Long Island. Now is also already available means of transportation to the Karimunjawa of the KMP Kartini Beach pier. MURIA (travel time 6 hours) and Fast Ship KARTINI I (travel time 2.5 hours).